Team - Reflection Letter

Elisabeth Kathryn – Universitas Kristen Petra

How time flies so fast and I’m about to leave the Guild, which is likely to be my home in Jakarta, where I spent more than 12 hours per day. So many processes I’ve been through in my internship experience here.
RAW Architecture was different! Not only its strange looking office building, but also its amazing team whom I’ve learned a lot from. Initially I thought I was a stranger in a stressing circumstance. Everybody worked so fast and thoughtful. As days pass by, I got used to the deadlines, helped by kind and welcoming guidance from the designers. Besides the improvement of technical skills, I learned more about the way of thinking. The discussions between me, the designers, and in certain opportunities with Mr. Rich, led me to understand more about architecture, in practical as well as theoretical thinking. Architecture does not talk about shaping a form, but honestly tells bold ideas, which is wrapped in a beautiful story board.

My curiosity to the richness of architecture was triggered here. I loved how RAW team questioned what they was designing, why must be that, how if that be this. There is no right or wrong, no conformity. All is about how far you research, explore and break the limitation you have assumed before. You will be amazed of what you may get if you are properly driven by your never ending curiosity. One of the astounding result of curiosity that I have seen is this office building, The Guild. Come, then you will find “abnormal” details, representing the architect’s experiments. For me, a great architect is not who never miss any architecture theories, but the one who can make his own logical and responsible arguments.

Unlike the other commercial offices, RAW also concern in educating people. The library, called OMAH, is the basecamp for “restless spirits” to seek new knowledge or even discussions. I felt a conducive atmosphere for a continuous learning and sharing habits, from newbie students to teachers and professional architects. As Mr. Rich shared, nobody could stand alone, we need the power of our surroundings to make great improvement together.

The last thing that will make me miss this place so much is the people, surely. Instead of working partners, I do make family here. Thank you RAW Architecture! 

Oleh Realrich Sjarief

Founder of RAW Architecture

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