Team - Reflection Letter

Rucha Vivek Jaykhedkar – KRVIA

I was determined to intern at RAW Architecture after I read about it. The process of application started off quite a few months back and I didn’t know if I would get the opportunity to work with their team. I was inspired by the work and ideologies of the firm and today I can’t believe that I came here and 8 weeks of my internship are already over.

I have had a wonderful experience interning at RAW. I was able to be part of different kinds of projects – residential and institutional. Some were delivered through models and some through technical drawings. The discussions in the studio with Mr. Realrich and fellow designers gave me an insight into how complex the system is- it starts with the design process of brainstorming and bringing out alternative ideas for the project, taking into consideration the site, client preferences till it finalises into a good design. Mr. Realrich says that the design process is the framework to the final product and requires to be stronger, requiring more time, thinking and the attention to detail. Not only that, each project has an underlying story and a philosophy that drives the project. I remember Mr. Realrich telling us about the Alpha Omega school and how it symbolises life and death which is very interesting because buildings impact lives of people and stand long enough to tell a story.

The philosophy classes at RAW introduced me to the ideas of some great philosophers which I did read about later. One cannot truly teach architecture. It is a skill that you develop through observation, experience and inspiration which is exactly what this class meant to me. It opened up ideas and made me think of things that I usually don’t.

Today, as an architecture student I can see that there is so much more the world of architecture has to offer. With so many emerging architects and advancing technology, it is difficult to catch up. It makes me anxious if I can survive in this field. But ‘Anxiety’ is what drives you to work more and more if you use it as your strength. I have always been in that condition since the time I joined architecture but it probably can get the best out of you as long as you are satisfied. Many of such Monday morning pep talks by Mr. Realrich have been energy boosters for all the days I have interned at RAW. He has been a great mentor and I am sure that his expertise will be an influencing factor in the works I will do in the future.

The studio environment and the RAW team has been very motivating and enthusiastic and I have a lot to take back from it. I would like to thank Mr. Realrich and the team for giving me the opportunity to experience this journey. It was a pleasure working with RAW and I wish them all the best for their future endeavours.


Rucha Jaykhedkar

Oleh Realrich Sjarief

Founder of RAW Architecture

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