exhibition publication

99 Percent The Guild

99% The Guild : Open House
We Glady invited you to come to 99 PercentThe Guild : Open house, new home of RAW, Omah Library, and Residence of realrich and family .

There will be a lecture by Anas Hidayat titled 1 percent yang dinanti, about the death of the architect after the work is born and sharing of the craftsmanship process with the team involved to attract discussion and further response. We need you to RSVP because space is limited, there will be food for people who are fasting at 6 pm after the lecture.
The term 99 % is a process of almost finished which every work is always faced where 1% is left to the future, where work is occupied, changed, redefined by further need. The work of architect processed based on its expedients, alchemy, and experiments during the process of the making. Expedients are about the resources available in the process, alchemy is about the relationship along the persons inside the making, and experiments is more into the product driven by expedients and alchemy. The discussion about this work is based on this 3 category to uncover the relationship in the process of making of the guild which we are all hoping to hear, see, and learn from its 99% product and process. The process of living inside the cluster is always evolving, in this open house, but the process will be opened and shared, for critics and restless spirits just for evaluating the process and product.
invitation card will be given after RSVP because the space is limited. Thank you, see you all

Please RSVP, to book your schedule, in :

Oleh Realrich Sjarief

Founder of RAW Architecture