Team - Reflection Letter

Manuel Hendru – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

Reflection Letter:

Hello! My name is Manuel Hendru who is usually called El in RAW. I’m a 7th semester student at Multimedia Nusantara University, Tangerang who got the opportunity to be able to contribute to the work being done at RAW Architecture as an intern student for 6 months (which initially only planned for 4 months HAHA). Before deciding to do practical work in the office that I will apply for, there are many considerations as well as the expectations that I can get when I do my internship in that office. One of them is that I want experience in working and expanding relationships in the office. So, apart from the firm work being convincing, the work environment is also very influential and is a big consideration for me in choosing an internship place.

RAW Architecture has become one of the offices that I have known since I first entered college. Kak Rich himself once gave a seminar on my campus, which at that time I was very impressed with his presentation. The way the presentation was deep and fun made me enjoy learning about what Kak Rich was presenting at that time. Because of that, I’ve also started to recognize the building designs produced by RAW and I love them. What’s more, I also saw several posts from ig @guhatheguild which feature dynamic and exciting office life too. Long story short, I finally decided to apply to RAW Architecture as one of the agencies I wanted to learn more about architecture and open relationships because of these three factors.

When I first entered the studio, I was immediately greeted by Kak Rich and also the working staff through a brief self-introduction. In that short introduction, we joked a lot and laughed together. It was at that moment that I immediately thought that I was not mistaken in choosing RAW Architecture to be the office I was assigned for my internship for 4 months from 20 June – 22 October.

During those 4 months, I really learned and was happy to get to know many things that are far deeper than what I got at college. In fact, several times I was also often invited to go to the field and learn directly about building construction. However, 4 months was not enough time for me to learn many things in the built field. So, I finally decided to extend. My decision to extend was also not easy for me and it took me quite a while to think about it until I made a unanimous decision on d-1 the day before I ended my internship and contacted Kak Rich and the admin that I wanted to extend until December 23. To be honest, on that day, I was quite afraid that this decision would not be the best for me because I had to divide my time more between work and college. The course I was taking at that time was a research seminar that determined my Tugas Akhir. And yes, in the end I took a lot of time off to take care of my seminars in my extended days. But, even though I’m on leave, I still get a lot of knowledge in built that I really want and I don’t once regret the decision to extend it.

Of course, I would like to thank Kak Rich for giving me the opportunity to contribute a little as an intern student. I am very happy to know Kak Rich as a leader who is very humble and I really look up to him.

Big thanks to Kak Mei, Mas Alim, Kak Fina, and Sofi for “accepting” me in their team to help with some work on the built project that I’m working on hehe

Thank you also to Tyo who has become my 911 in RAW both in work and other life and open Tyo-Tour and Travel on Saturdays/Sundays to Bandung, cool.

To Ms. Riyan, who taught architectural concepts for the first time to me and other staff members or interns who have colored my monochrome life every day.

Until finally, I can say that doing an internship at RAW is a valuable experience that I can’t forget until I’m old. Because at RAW, I don’t only get knowledge of architecture and construction, but also laughter from all of you who have given meaning and added to my collection of precious moments in my life. For me, RAW is not only “The Best Office in The World” but also “The Best Home in The World” where we can feel the warmth of everyone in it.

Sending hugs and the best wishes for each of you MUAH xixi

Best Regrads,

Manuel Hendru

Motivation Letter:

Perkenalkan saya Manuel Hendru, seorang mahasiswa arsitektur semester 6 di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), Tangerang. Saya memiliki ketertarikan yang mendalam terhadap proyek-proyek yang sudah ataupun sedang dikerjakan oleh Studio RAW Architecture, terutama pada desain arsitekturnya, pengolahan pengalaman ruang yang luar biasa, dan juga pemakaian jenis material lokal dan tektonik yang unik. Saya sendiri tertarik untuk mempelajari mengenai pengolahan material menjadi bentuk ruang yang memberikan pengalaman berbeda. Dengan ketertarikan mendasar tersebut, saya bermaksud untuk mengajukan permohonan kerja praktik di Studio RAW Architecture mulai dari bulan Juni 2022 selama lima sampai enam bulan.

Saya sangat menyukai semua hal tentang arsitektur dan desain. Sebagai mahasiswa arsitektur, saya mencoba untuk mengembangkan kegemaran tersebut dan menyelesaikan beberapa mata kuliah terkait, seperti Perancangan Arsitektur, Teknologi Bangunan, Fisika Bangunan, Bangunan Berkelanjutan, Utilitas Bangunan, Komunikasi Digital, Seni Rupa, dan masih banyak lagi mata kuliah yang membekali saya pengetahuan berguna untuk diterapkan di dunia nyata sehingga beberapa dari karya-karya saya tersebut mendapat penghargaan berupa perancangan terbaik. Saya juga sedang menjalani mata kuliah Interior yang mempelajari tentang perancangan ruang dalam pada rumah ataupun café. Saya sangat ingin untuk memperluas wawasan dan juga menerima tantangan baru berupa kesempatan menjadi arsitek kerja praktik pada perusahaan ini.

Bekerja menjadi anggota tim Studio RAW Architecture merupakan salah satu impian terbesar yang ingin saya capai sejak awal menduduki bangku kuliah. Oleh karena itu, saya sangat berharap untuk mendapat kesempatan dalam membantu proyek-proyek Studio RAW Architecture sebagai bagian dari tim serta memperluas koneksi sosial dan juga pengalaman saya sebagai bekal di kemudian hari. Saya dapat mempertimbangkan untuk bekerja secara daring ataupun luring saat ini. Atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu, saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Oleh Realrich Sjarief

Founder of RAW Architecture

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