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RAW Architecture shares studio culture in Design Anthology Issue 32 | March 2022

Realrich Architecture Workshop featured on Design Anthology

We see architecture as an act of collaboration and deep connection. Enjoying the architectural process filled with memories of all our happiness and struggles. We love being able to share our studio process with lots of people. Luckily in 2022 Simone Schultz, Managing Editor of Design Anthology contacted us and gave us the opportunity to talk about the culture in our studio.

In Design Anthology Issue 32/March 2022 we share how our studio in Guha, has become a broad ecosystem with the presence of the OMAH Library and our experimental workshops in it. Having a wide cross-discipline in Guha from designers, writers, administrators and craftsmen makes our studio more like a campus with many individuals playing various roles, but they can all also be involved in the process of creative exploration and experimentation.

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