blog lecture

Meeting Craftsmanship Hermit – A Tactical Architecture Design

I will give workshop and sharing in Taylor University Malaysia. It’s first session for my being adjunct associate professor in there. I received invitation by Veronica Ng for the vision to share similar / contextual inspirations in South East Asia Region to redefine our own asian heritage.

Here is the explanation for the session.

Craftsmanship is the art of making, which involves traditional and industrial techniques. It is implemented and synthesized by people from multidisciplinary fields such as makers, engineers, design specialists, or even master artisans. The boundary between what architects did and what the other discipline is precise. The next question is, Is the implementation of craftsmanship that clear? The presentation will share an unorthodox view about making architecture from the importance of the craftsman guild, a workshop area for experimenting, extending to an ecosystem of builders that support the architect. The guild in the project also has memories that became grammar. It’s designed for the experimentation itself and, last but not least, for the clients that support you.

For the executions, some preparations are needed, such as grammar, drawing, critical thinking, creativity on-site to achieve a healthy ecosystem for making architecture. It’s about know-how on joineries and deconstructing dimensional mind that using the available material and adaptive technique is the forefront runner for architecture ecosystems that create the diversity of architecture.

The sharing sesion will be 25th October 2021 at 02.30 pm

Oleh Realrich Sjarief

Founder of RAW Architecture

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